adios abuelita


We had a wonderful grandmother,

One who never really grew old;

Her smile was made of sunshine,

And her heart was solid gold;

Her eyes were as bright as shining stars,

And in her cheeks fair roses you see.

We had a wonderful grandmother,

And that' s the way it will always be.

She taught us love and how to fight,

She gave us strength, she gave us might.

A stronger person would be hard to find,

And in her heart, she was always kind.

She fought for us all in one way or another,

Not just as a wife not just as a mother.

For all of us she gave her best,

Now the time has come for her to rest.

So go in peace ABUELITA, you've earned your sleep,

Your love in our hearts, we'll eternally keep.

final dose:

poem by: Angela Marie Javier-Ituriaga


posted by A.Cortes on 9:17 PM under

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