
a simple dot makes the difference.

usually, i try to find ways where i can find an excuse for a fault i candidly made. but today i had the courage to accept that i am wrong. big mistake that is. a simple dot makes the difference from hundreds to thousands and even millions.

 photo toeknee_zps91fdbc4b.jpg

to vent out... i drew this, how i felt when i learned i got it all wrong... arrrrghhh!

and yes i humbly acknowledged my mistake. let us all proceed and have the project materialize, i think that's all that matters now.

final dose:
good thing, nothing has been awarded just yet.


posted by A.Cortes on 3:01 AM under

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happy 7th first born!

how time flies...

Look how little you were the first time I held you seven years ago.
 photo zai_zps0559b1f1.jpgZai Angelo, 2 days old. circa 2006

And look how big you are now! Seven years old, now a kuya, now a grader.
 photo alli-zai7_zpse5323100.jpg Zai Angelo, celebrating his 7th birthday in school.

Happy birthday to you our first born Zai Angelo!

Please know that you have always been and will always will, together with your little 'bro, our bundles of joy.

final dose:
will have more of your celebration come this weekend in Bantayan.


posted by A.Cortes on 5:08 PM under

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happy birthday lolo!

Happy Happy Birthday Lolo Tony!

We won't divulge your age because we're pretty sure that you would not want to tell the whole world how old you are now. Thanks for being a good grand dad to both Angelo and Tristan.

lolo Tony during his birthday dinner with The Corteses

Enjoy the day and have a good one.

final dose:
keep the drinking at minimum but celebrate and be merry!


posted by A.Cortes on 11:11 PM under

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