what's up 2011!?!

So we are now a year before the Mayan calendar ends, how fast time flies. And if we aren't ready yet, we all might as well be working in China. In there, we are nearer where the "arks" are, in case the great flood should occur.

Anyhow, what I'm saying is - It is 2011. And as always, we all want this new year to be better than the previous. I would admit, 2010 was pretty much a great year for me and my family. So how does this year top the last?

Now, this is the point where I usually put in what I hope the year would be, but in bits and pieces and in general, as we may never know how everything else will go as the months will pass.
  • I have just recently resigned from my work, so I hope the year of the rabbit will present me with a better job, one where I will be most happy and will most likely be able to provide better for the family.
  • For the last two years, luckily, our little boy has not been hospitalized for any major sickness, and my hopes are still high that this year, Zai Angelo would remain as healthy as ever. And of course as smart as always.
  • Wifey on the other hand, got for herself a new job by the later part of the 2010. All I wish for her is to stay happy with where she is now, and that she will continue to learn and soon achieve what her ultimate aspiration is.
theCorteses, welcoming the new year

As we are a family of three, I only had these three hopes for this year. One for each of us. It may not be too much to ask, as all is always doable. Hope 2011 will be a good year for everyone else as well. Hump on 2011!

final dose:
the year of the rabbit will give us some humping good time, methinks.


posted by A.Cortes on 12:37 AM under



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