anxiously planning, waiting

Does anyone ever remember how their first birthday went? Well, we bet you can answer for yourself.
With the first birthday of our little boy fast approaching, we have been very anxiously planning for it. Although the birthday party will not really be extravagant, as it will just be a simple celebration and gathering of close friends, family and Zai Angelo's godparents and friends. The event itself is what's important for us, our kid turning ONE year old.

And as "first time parents," we are so amazed by the fact that our little boy is growing up and what amount of joy he brings us and what wonder he makes us feel and that he gives so much meaning to our lives...

There has always been the saying that the first step is the hardest, so does that imply the same for the first birthday? Funny if it does, because both of us are telling each other that after Zai's first birthday, we will probably hold the next "big" party when he is about five or older.

Searching for what theme we want, we came across a lot of birthday themes, everything you can imagine. From the simple to the most bizarre. There is of course the usual cartoon character's theme and the weirdest that we saw on the Internet was the "cyber-futuristic-theme" which we do not think really fits a party for little kids about to turn a year old.

So we decided on a simple yet "cute and adorable" theme --- happy feet. We pictured our little boy to be like the super jolly tap-dancer Mumble, the main character of the cartoon movie.
So with the invitations almost ready and done, loot bags and giveaways about to be complete, the next two weeks would give us time to prepare for the venue decorations, the food and all the other little things we need to get the party going.

And here's a little simple "e-invitation" created for Zai Angelo's first Birthday bash.

final dose:
this e-inviations have been sent out to Zai's godparents on their multiply, friendster and other online social networking accounts.
although real invatations are also to be given...


posted by A.Cortes on 1:21 AM under


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