of royal blood and royalty

The Most Honourable Toni Cortes, the Ovine of Yockenthwait Walden

The husband has the AB blood type.
People of this blood type are supposed to be natural leaders, great organizers, diplomatic, rational and imaginative. (key word: supposed ~hehehehehehe~)

Most Noble and Honourable Alli Cortes, the Somnolent of Chignall Smeally

The Wifey has the O blood type.
People of this blood type are powerful leaders, goal-oriented, enthusiastic, optimistic and good at business.

His Noble Excellency Zai Cortes, the Philomath of Hoptonshire by Leer

The little boy
has the A blood type.
People of this blood type are perfectionists, orderly, detail-oriented, industrious, idealistic, soft-spoken and careful.

final dose:
the O blood type is the universal donor.
the AB blood type is the universal receiver.
the A blood type is the product of the husband and the wifey.


posted by A.Cortes on 6:17 AM under , ,



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